Автором статьи приводятся тексты публикаций в газетах того периода.
GORKY TO LENINhttp://lenin.boom.ru/about/gorky.htm
Your valuable paper will rentier a signal service to the cause of truth about Soviet Russia if space could be found to publish the following letter written some time ago by Muxim Gorky to Lenin [previously referred to in cable dispatcher]. It ought to silence for good all talk about-the efforts supfcosedly made by the Bolsheviki in behalf of education.
The letter follows:
" Vladimir Ilitch: I request you most urgently to receive and listen to Professor Tonkov, the President of the Military Academy of Medicine”.
" Scores of the most distinguished Russian scientists have been arrested here, and among these there are Depp, Ossipov. Tereshin, Bush, Krogtu, Oldenburg, Bielogolovy, Grimin and others”.
" To me the wealth of a country and the power of a nation arc represented by the quantity and quality of its intellectual sources. Revolutions have sense only if they contribute to the growth and development of these resources, The men of science should be treated us considerately and respectfully as possible. This is especially necessary in our own country, where seventeen-year-old lads are going to the barracks and to the shambles of civil war, and where the growth of the intellectual forces will be retarded for a long time to come”.
" While saving our own hides we are cutting off the head of the nation, destroying its brain. Apparently we have no hope for victory, nor have we sufficient manhood to perish honorably, if we must resort to such barbarous means as the extermination of the intellectual forces of the land. What, if not a manifestation of our cowardice and admission of our weakness and lastly, a desire to avenge ourselves for our own incompetence, is this method of selfdefense?”
" I protest emphatically against such tactics which strike at the very brain of the nation, low enough as it is already spiritually. I know you are going to repeat the hackneyed phrases about “Political struggle”, “Whosoever is not with us is against us”, “Neutrals are dangerous and the like, but the overwhelming majority of scientists are just as neutral and objective as absolute science itself; these people are simply non-political. The greater part of them are old and feeble, and Imprisonment will kill them. As it is, they are already badly enfeebled through starvation”.
"Vladimir Ilitch, I take my stand on their side, and I prefer arrest and imprisonment rather than complicity, if only through silence, in this extermination of Russia's best and most invaluable intellectual resources. It has now become evident to me that the Reds are just as much the enemies of the people as are the Whites. Personally, of courso. I prefer to be annihilated by the Whites, but neither do I regard the Reds as comrades.
"Allow me to hope that you understand me, MAXIM GORKY."
New York, Nov. 1, 1920.
Published: November 7, 1920 . The New York Times
(Фотография М.Горького со страницы:
Found Him and His Wife Ideal. Tenants in the Three Years. He Knew Them.
PARIS, April 24.—Parisians today had the pleasure of reading a tribute to Lenin from an unexpected source. The eulogist of the Red Czar is no less a personage than the concierge of 4 Rue Marie Rose, where Lenin and his wife had a small apartment in 1910; and Parisians know there is nothing more important than to be in the good books of one's concierge.
" M. and Mine. Lenin-Oulianoff are fine people, “said their former Cerberus to an Excelsior reporter. "I was with them more than three years and never— never, you understand—did I have the slightest cause for complaint. You are surprised—ask my wife; ask their femme de menage. Both will say you could not meet finer people or less proud."
The speaker, who himself disapproves Bolshevist doctrines, continued: "Who would think that the Russians would one day choose this man, the most modest and least assuming in the world, to he their leader?"
While in Paris Lenin received many visits and letters and wrote a good deal, including pamphlets, which were set up in a neighboring printer's shop. His wife and mother-in-law kept house and did cooking, but Mme. Lenin found time to attend classes at the Sorbonne.
" She knew French, German and English.” said the concierge. " and I used to wonder what more there was for her to learn. She seemed about 40 years old and was tall, thin and less coquettish than anyone you ever saw. Always the same black frock in Winter, a light one in Summer; always the same simple hat without the least trimming. They were really a fine family and got on well together—and they always paid their 700 francs yearly rent most punctually."
From others who knew Lenin in that period the reporter learned that Zinovleff, Kameneff, Lunacharsky and the French Communist Rappoport were frequent visitors at Lenin's flat; but Trotzky never appeared, as neither Lenin nor his wife could stand him, and he reciprocated the aversion.
Published: April 25, 1921. The New York Times.
“Karpoff” Said to Be Nikolai Lenin, Is Dead; Red Autocrat Reported to Have Been Shot.
LONDON, Jan 13.—A communication from Moscow, announcing: the death of M. Karpoff, member of the Supreme Economic Council of Soviet Russia, is quoted in a Berlin dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph, received by way ofParis,The Supreme Council in Moscow contains no person named Karpoff, which is an old pseudonym of Nikolai Lenin, the Soviet Premier. Some of his publications bear that name.
Copyright, 1921, by The Chicago Tribune Co.
LONDON, Jan. 13.—Nikolai Lenin's illness, on account of which he Is reported to have undergone, an operation, was similar to that from which many Russians suffered by his command It was from a bullet wound.
Friends of Lenin whom I met in Moscow and who have just arrived in London, told me this evening the Bolshevist Czar was shot by counter revolutionaryadherents during the hristmas holidays Four thousand Chinese mercenarieshave been called to Moscow to guard the Kremlin. They are Quartered on the palace grounds.
The Jewish News Bureau, a New Tork City news agency, announced on Jan. 9 receipt of a dispatch from its Moscow correspondent telling of tho dangerous illness of Lenin.
A Berlin dispatch to the Havas Agency received here yesterday said that the Russian newspaper Rul had announced the death of " the communist Karpoff” in Moscow. The dispatch added that “Karpoff” seems to bo the former pseudonym of Lenin.
Officials of the Russian Soviet Bureau here said yesterday that "M. Karpoff, member of the Supreme Economic Council of Russia was unknown to them. They declared that Premier Lenin was never to their knowledge known as M. Karpoff," nor had he written books under that name.
Published: January 14, 1921. The New York Times
Не смотря на приведенные выше единственные публикации, где упоминается Ульянов (только с конца 1920 г.), везде и всюду все годы пишется "Nikolai Lenin", как показано ниже.
Reds' Convention Resolves on Workers' Body Affiliated With Moscow. UNIONS SPURN THE SOVIET. Leaders Admit New Tactics Result From Failure of " Revolutionary " Campaign.
Communists and radical labor leaders, gathered here in the second convention of the Workers' Party of America, decided yesferday to organize a national labor party, admittedly on specific instructions from Nicolai Lenin and the Russian Communist International. Moscow thus is said to have decreed a new effort to develop the " mass struggle to establish the Workers' Republic in the United States."
The convention acted after a six-hour debate, some delegates questioning the advisability of following the Russian Soviet's instructions at this time. Lud-wig Lore editor of the German Communist newspaper, Yolkszeitung, wanted further consideration, fearing that the move might be an obstacle to progress toward the " proletariat revolutionary movement' He is spokesman for the foreign language branch of the party.
More than seventy delegates from various parts of the country met in Labor Temple In East Eighty-fourth Street. Each was decorated with a red ribbon bearing the hammer and the sickle insignia of communism. There was a gallery of several hundred spectators. Agents of the Department of Justice took notes, many speakers and leaders being under sedition and anarchy charges. William G. Dunne, former I, W. W. leader of Montana, was Chairman.
Supporting the National Labor Party proposal, C. E. Ruthenberg, Secretary of the Workers' Party, said that workers here could not be led into a revolutionary class movement now, but would have to be educated through a political machine and predicted that the Labor Party would develop " leadership for the proletariat revolution."
A resolution instructed the Central Executive Committee to form the new party by uniting all those trade unions, farmers' organizations and others who favor it. Jt also provides a policy of " boring from within " those organizations that oppose independent political action. The Workers Party proposes to enter the Labor Party as an autonomous body, maintaining its own organization.
The Cleveland conference for progressive political action, from which the communists were barred several weeks ago, was assailed bitterly, many leaders of "the non-partisan movement were condemned as " reactionary trade union leaders," and the representatives of the Socialist Party at that conference were condemned.
The action of the communists has been anticipated since trade unionists have refused to join the workers organization because of its allegiance to the Communist International of Moscow. There were veiled references yesterday to the presence in this country of a Soviet envoy from Russia, bearing Lenin's mandate.
Ruthenberg announced that the Workers' Party, which has been functioning for a year as the open " communist organization in America, has a paid up membership of nearly 30,000 making it the largest working class political movement in the country. The convention will be in session today. Chairman Dunn urged action to spread the movement for converting American labor unions to the communistic revolutionary program, saying that at the present time little progress was being made in that direction
Published: December 25, 1922. The New York Times.
Анализ и выводы
При анализе обложки книги издания 1919 г. с точки зрения особенностей художественной среды 1919 года, обнаруживается явный диссонанс. В тот период книги, как правило, если имели революционное содержание, то они сопровождались «революционной» обложкой (см. фото 11-14). Книга Джона Рида, известная как изданная в 1919 году в США, выпущена без учета особенностей художественной, культурологической среды того времени.
Анализируя хронологию публикаций с 1900 года по 1922 год с точки зрения упоминаний о лидере Большевиков, можно сделать вывод о том, что книга Джона Рида «Десять дней, которые потрясли мир» фальсифицирована. Известные нам сегодня тиражи книги 1919 года и 1922 года издательства “Boni & Liveright,Inc” г.Нью-Йорк, США, фактически выпущены значительно позже и датированы задним числом.
Наиболее вероятной подлинной датой издания книги Джона Рида «Десять дней, которые потрясли мир» является 1926 год и позже. Данный вывод сделан в результате сравнения с книгой 1926 года английского издательства, которая также была закуплена на букинистическом аукционе в Англии и использована при проведении исследования. При сравнении установлена практически полная идентичность, за исключением иллюстраций. Иллюстраций в книге 1926 года не представлено, совпадают расположение текста по странице и особенности редактирования.
Позже в США и других странах, книга была выпущена многочисленными тиражами. Их объем явно не соответствует интересу публики к данному произведению, и может служить только целям пропаганды. При поиске обнаруживается 49 изданий, и - это далеко не весь перечень (см. рис. 16-18).
Фото. 16. Издания книги «Десять дней, которые потрясли мир».
Фото. 17. Издания книги «Десять дней, которые потрясли мир».
Фото. 18. Издания книги «Десять дней, которые потрясли мир».
Изменения в тексте книги «Десять дней, которые потрясли мир» были замечены Джорджем Оруэллом. George Orwell (25.06.1903 – 21.01.1950) в 1945 году написал статью "Свобода прессы" [3]. Статья впервые была опубликована в «Times Literary Supplement» 15.09.1972 года. В публикации он пишет следующее:
At the death of John Reed, the author of Ten Days that Shook the World — first-hand account of the early days of the Russian Revolution — the copyright of the book passed into the hands of the British Communist Party, to whom I believe Reed had bequeathed it. Some years later the British Communists, having destroyed the original edition of the book as completely as they could, issued a garbled version from which they had eliminated mentions of Trotsky and also omitted the introduction written by Lenin. If a radical intelligentsia had still existed in Britain, this act of forgery would have been exposed and denounced in every literary paper in the country. As it was there was little or no protest.
Джордж Оруэлл критикует компартию Англии, полагая, что это именно её представители произвели изменения. С точки зрения автора статьи, здесь необходимо отметить только то, что «современник событий - Оруэлл заметил происходящие фальсификации книги и отразил это в одной из своих публикаций». Автор статьи считает, что обвинять компартию Англии было для Джорджа Оруэлла безопаснее, чем прямо указывать на преступников. Он мог, таким образом, открыто выступить без опасений за свою жизнь. Оруэлл призывает компартию Англии к порядку, чтобы те не участвовали в фальсификациях.